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Waste Monitoring Solutions
CAP provides smart government grade waste monitoring solutions that covers a wide range of features. Our solution allows governments & cities to uncover and finally understand the complex dynamics of their waste production and treatment.
Tracking Tools
Smart Regulation Management System
Contract Compliance Monitoring System
Inspector App
Driver App

Smart dashboard development
Creating of dashboards that reflects operation performance and capture live data into efficient systems for monitoring activities:
Hot spots, red zones for illegal dump site and municipal violations on the city master plan.
Number of violence and alerts classified by sector.
Industrial, active, and critical districts including waste generations by territories.
Commercial sectors and sub sectors classified by activity.
Tariff and fee structuring and collections
Implementation of high advanced tariff system and providing the required infrastructure to allow for the collection of fees and tariffs related to services, such as:
Building and operating systems for smart parking and car location detections.
Smart gates and entrance organizing.
Waste recycling centers and segregation units.


Robotic Process Automation
Provide system robotics techniques to help the governmental ministries & municipalities in automation of their city management processes & services such as:
Monitoring/ tracking mobile trucks operational plans.
Smart inventory for mobile equipment with infrastructure projects.
Electronic prequalification for all contractors and sub-contractors on maintenance and services projects.
Electronic supervision of operational plans for mega construction projects.
Registration of engineering consultants on the electronic system.
Integration with other systems related to city projects management.
Smart and dynamic database system
Architecting high end database systems for municipalities help in automation of data collection and continuous update related to city infrastructure projects includes:
Sites, manpower, equipment, vehicles.
Contractors, subcontractors, operational plans.
Engineering consultants.
Service providers and suppliers.

The gates and electronic scales of landfills linked, which helps to track the waste from the place of its origin to its arrival to the landfills or approved treatment plants according to the type of waste, through the collection and transportation operations. The gates will be controlled to identify the vehicles according to the type of activity they are licensed to perform.

A system links control centers on the one hand, with the electronic contract follow-up and field inspectors on the other hand.
Field inspectors to be directed to any illegal dumping of waste alarms that comes from the command, Monitoring and Control Center.
Schedule directed field inspections to ensure the validity of commercial contracts and to track the e-contracts.
Inspectors can issue violations directly on the violators.
The system also works on reverse inspection by controlling and knowing the performance of inspectors in the field and the speed of responding to notifications and carrying out their daily tasks.