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Introducing e-Manifest system proudly created  by Cubic Art Pixels to serve the government, cities & communities to help in waste collection using smart technologies.

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Bolisaty is an e-Manifest system that was developed by CAP, which aims to convert a paper manifest into an electronic system which aims to save time and effort for all parties and will ensure the accuracy of the data on the waste being dealt with. Bolisaty is one of the unique smart systems that contribute to building an integrated database of waste in the region by linking waste producers, environmental service providers, treatment facilities, and final receiving facilities.


How Does It Work?

e-Manifest cycle consists of 5 main steps which is connected between

waste producers, transporters & receiver under 

Waste Producer create waste collection request through the system

Waste transporter will get notified of waste collection request through communication channels

Waste Transporter will collect the waste from the provider based on manifest information

Receiving facility will check and verify the waste type and weight transported

Waste producer will confirm that the waste has been transported with the correct waste type and weight to complete the manifest cycle

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Key Benefits of Bolisaty

Easy Identification

Transporters can easily identify waste collection points initiated by waste producers through the system

Waste Reduction

Reduce waste production by identifying accurate weight measurement for each waste type

Contracts Management

Creating contracts through the system which makes it easy for all parties to access and follow up.


Ensure the availability and compatibility of waste data synchronized between all parties

Digital Service

Provide e-Manifest instead of dealing with paper work 

Complete Database

Building a complete database that provides accurate dashboard with data for the decision makers

Quality of Service

Improve quality of service providers by determining collection points in an accurate way & easily accessible by all parties through the system

Ensure Safe Disposal

Ensure safe waste disposal throughout the ability to monitor waste transportation cycle.

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